Wednesday, 12 September 2012

 Goalkeeper training in Berkshire

Do goalkeepers get enough goalkeeper training in Berkshire at their clubs, most of the time its no and this is not down to the clubs or coaches. Goalkeeper training is so specialized that you need to be trained all the time by a goalkeeper coach with no other players under his or hers guidance. Keepers need at least 1 hours training a week all year round and this can cost a lot of money!

Goalkeeper training in Berkshire, where do I go?

In the area of Berkshire and surrey there is a international goalkeeping school running called just4keepers.
Just4keepers states we have helped more keepers get pro contracts, over 200 keepers. They also have a scholarship system set up in the USA. Now if you check J4K out you will find a lot more things they can do for you and your club for FREE.
If you’re thinking Just4keepers must cost a lot!! Actually they are the fairest priced in the world also.

Take care keep saving!


Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Goalkeeper Coaching Tips And Tricks

Goalkeeper Coaching Tips and Tricks

In this little article I’m going to give you some quick tips which may help your goalkeeping coaching in Surrey.

The first one is the one all goalkeepers get told off for “marking your posts on your six yard box” this one is great as it helps the keeper on edging on 1v1 and getting a good angle for any shot.

Keeping the palms of your gloves damp will increase the grip and performance of your gloves. Looking after you goalkeeper gloves will increase the life.

On a 1v1 shout at the attacker, pretend there’s a defend shutting him down, the striker may look back or panic and you now have the upper hand if they take a poor touch.

Diving, remember Stop,Set,Step,Save

If you would like more goalkeeper coaching tips and tricks or would like a Free Goalkeeper Coaching Session then please click on the link below

Free Goalkeeper Coaching And Gloves In Surrey