Do goalkeepers get enough goalkeeper training in
Berkshire at their clubs, most of the time its no and this is not down to the
clubs or coaches. Goalkeeper training is so specialized that you need to be
trained all the time by a goalkeeper coach with no other players under his or
hers guidance. Keepers need at least 1 hours training a week all year round and
this can cost a lot of money!
Goalkeeper training in Berkshire, where do I go?
In the area of Berkshire and surrey there is a international
goalkeeping school running called just4keepers.
Just4keepers states we have helped more keepers get pro
contracts, over 200 keepers. They also have a scholarship system set up in the
USA. Now if you check J4K out you will find a lot more things they can do for
you and your club for FREE.
If you’re thinking Just4keepers must cost a lot!! Actually
they are the fairest priced in the world also.
Take care keep saving!